When you visit us on a…

Sunday Morning

We begin our Sunday gatherings with a time of Sunday School, which begins at 9:45 a.m. When you park, please make your way into the lobby (enter through the doors under the awning) where you will be directed into the sanctuary or our education building. We have classes for all ages. Around 10:30 a.m., we move into our sanctuary for Morning Worship.
For Morning Worship, we meet in the sanctuary. Make sure to pick up a bulletin to get an order of service and see our upcoming events! There is an offering jar in the foyer as well for those wanting to contribute to the needs of the church as well as the building fund.
We will sing an opening song. After the song, we have a Welcome, followed by an Opening Prayer.

After the opening prayer, we have a time of worship through song, followed by the message, usually brought by our pastor. After the message, there is an invitation for response and then we dismiss.


Sunday Night

On Sunday nights, we typically sing songs of praise. After our songs, we have an in-depth Bible lesson from our current series. 

As a visitor, we do not ask you to volunteer, serve, or give to our church. Instead, we ask that you pray and seek if West Bauxite MBC is the place the Lord is leading you to and placing you in to help the church fulfill its vision and mission.



  • Because we have all sinned, we fall short of God’s standards and expectations. Since we sin, we experience a separation from God when we die and spend eternity in hell.
  • God loved you so much, He sent Jesus to die on the cross and pay the price for our sin. Now, because of Jesus’ death on the cross, our sins can be forgiven by God.
  • What we must do is understand we are sinners and are in need of a Savior. We must ask Jesus, through prayer, to forgive us of our sins and be our Savior.
  • After salvation comes…


  • After Jesus becomes our Savior, the next step is to follow Him in scriptural baptism, which is by being fully immersed in water.
  • Baptism does not save you or wash your sins away. It represents us being buried in Christ and raised to walk in a newness of life. It is a public profession of us placing our faith in Jesus.
  • Being baptized also makes you a member of the local church.


  • One common way of joining WB is by being baptized by WB.
  • If you have been scripturally baptized by a local, New Testament church, then there are several ways to join WB:
  •  You may join by letter. When you join, we request your membership letter from your previous church of membership. Once we receive your letter, you then become a member of West Bauxite.
  • If you cannot attain your letter, you have the option to join WB by statement. This is simply a profession of your salvation and baptism and lets the church know you are able to join.


  • Once you are a member of West Bauxite, you are expected to continue growing as a Jesus-follower by:
      •      Growing in the knowledge of the Bible
      •      Praying for your church, community, and country
      •      Seeking unity in all areas of the church
      •      Giving your time and resources to further the church’s efforts
      •      Worshiping in our Sunday gatherings
      •      Attending our Bible Studies on Wednesdays